MacWorld 2000 January
Macworld (2000-01).dmg
Shareware World
YER 1.0.0
YER 1.0.0 FAT
YER 1.0.0 FAT.rsrc
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Text File
201 lines
qtsTooMuchDataErr = -5406
qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr = -5405
qtsUnsupportedRateErr = -5404
qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr = -5403
qtsBadDataErr = -5402 •something is wrong with the data
qtsBadStateErr = -5401
qtsBadSelectorErr = -5400
kPMLockIgnored = -30878 •the lock value was ignored
kPMValueOutOfRange = -30877 •a value passed in is out of range
kPMInvalidPageFormat = -30876 •the pageformat reference is invalid
kPMInvalidPrintSettings = -30875 •the printsettings reference is invalid
kPMNoSuchEntry = -30874 •no such entry
kPMNotImplemented = -30873 •this API call is not supported
kPMInvalidParameter = -30872 •a require parameter is missing or invalid
kPMOutOfScope = -30871 •an API call is out of scope
kPMGeneralError = -30870
kNoCardBusCISErr = -9109 •No valid CIS exists for this CardBus card
kNotZVCapableErr = -9108 •This socket does not support Zoomed Video
kCardPowerOffErr = -9107 •Power to the card has been turned off
kAttemptDupCardEntryErr = -9106 •The Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entry
kAlreadySavedStateErr = -9105 •The state has been saved on previous call
kTooManyIOWindowsErr = -9104 •device requested more than one I/O window
kNotReadyErr = -9103 •PC Card failed to go ready
kClientRequestDenied = -9102 •CS Clients should return this code inorder to deny a request-type CS Event
kNoCompatibleNameErr = -9101 •There is no compatible driver name for this device
kNoEnablerForCardErr = -9100 •No Enablers were found that can support the card
kNoCardEnablersFoundErr = -9099 •No Enablers were found
kUnsupportedCardErr = -9098 •Card not supported by generic enabler
kNoClientTableErr = -9097 •The client table has not be initialized yet
kNoMoreInterruptSlotsErr = -9096 •All internal Interrupt slots are in use
kNoMoreTimerClientsErr = -9095 •All timer callbacks are in use
kNoIOWindowRequestedErr = -9094 •Request I/O window before calling configuration
kBadCustomIFIDErr = -9093 •Custom interface ID is invalid
kBadTupleDataErr = -9092 •Data in tuple is invalid
kInvalidCSClientErr = -9091 •Card Services ClientID is not registered
kUnsupportedVsErr = -9090 •Unsupported Voltage Sense
kInvalidDeviceNumber = -9089
kPostCardEventErr = -9088 •_PCCSLPostCardEvent failed and dropped an event
kCantConfigureCardErr = -9087
kPassCallToChainErr = -9086
kCardBusCardErr = -9085
k16BitCardErr = -9084
kBadDeviceErr = -9083
kBadLinkErr = -9082
kInvalidRegEntryErr = -9081
kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr = -9080
kOutOfResourceErr = -9079 •Card Services has exhausted the resource
kNoMoreItemsErr = -9078 •there are no more of the requested item
kInUseErr = -9077 •requested resource is being used by a client
kConfigurationLockedErr = -9076 •a configuration has already been locked
kWriteProtectedErr = -9075 •media is write-protected
kBusyErr = -9074 •unable to process request at this time - try later
kUnsupportedModeErr = -9073 •mode is not supported
kUnsupportedFunctionErr = -9072 •function is not supported by this implementation
kNoCardErr = -9071 •no PC card in the socket
kGeneralFailureErr = -9070 •an undefined error has occurred
kWriteFailureErr = -9069 •unable to complete write request
kReadFailureErr = -9068 •unable to complete read request
kBadSpeedErr = -9067 •specified speed is unavailable
kBadCISErr = -9066 •CIS on card is invalid
kBadHandleErr = -9065 •clientHandle is invalid
kBadArgsErr = -9064 •values in argument packet are invalid
kBadArgLengthErr = -9063 •ArgLength argument is invalid
kBadWindowErr = -9062 •specified window is invalid
kBadVppErr = -9061 •specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid
kBadVccErr = -9060 •specified Vcc power level index is invalid
kBadTypeErr = -9059 •specified window or interface type is invalid
kBadSocketErr = -9058 •specified logical or physical socket number is invalid
kBadSizeErr = -9057 •specified size is invalid
kBadPageErr = -9056 •specified page is invalid
kBadOffsetErr = -9055 •specified PC card memory array offset is invalid
kBadIRQErr = -9054 •specified IRQ level is invalid
kBadEDCErr = -9053 •specified EDC generator specified is invalid
kBadBaseErr = -9052 •specified base system memory address is invalid
kBadAttributeErr = -9051 •specified attributes field value is invalid
kBadAdapterErr = -9050 •invalid adapter number
kNSpJoinFailedErr = -30399
kNSpSendFailedErr = -30396
kNSpConnectFailedErr = -30395
kNSpGameTerminatedErr = -30394
kNSpTimeoutErr = -30393
kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr = -30392
kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr = -30391
kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr = -30390
kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr = -30389
kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr = -30388
kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr = -30387
kNSpNoGroupsErr = -30386
kNSpNoPlayersErr = -30385
kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr = -30384
kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr = -30383
kNSpNameRequiredErr = -30382
kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr = -30381
kNSpAddressInUseErr = -30380
kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr = -30379
kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr = -30378
kNSpInvalidAddressErr = -30377
kNSpNotAdvertisingErr = -30376
kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr = -30374
kNSpMemAllocationErr = -30373